Saturday, January 27, 2007

Discussion boards are boring

I looked at so many discussion boards today, and I wasn't happy with what I found. They're rather dull. I decided to go with a blog instead. Again, I don't expect you all to maintain a blog for this class--but I encourage you to leave comments on this blog. If you do decide to create a blog devoted to this class/playwriting, let me know and I can add you to the Playwriting blog roll.

I'll post stuff on here once or twice a week. I'll have links to interviews, articles, bios, and other goodies on the plays and playwrights we are reading in class.

I do expect proper 'netiquette' in the classroom blog. Respect me and your peers. Do not post anything grossly inappropriate or rude. Do not post anything mean or hateful.

Happy blogging!

1 comment:

WeaponAndy said...

Sounds like a good thing to do. I'd blog, but I don't read that many plays and stuff. I read what you assign so...yeah. Nice information though.